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Category: Data Group Actions

court orders payout
July 15, 2019
Does the British Airways data breach fine mean compensation for victims?

The provisional £183m British Airways data breach fine means that the airline is set to be severely punished for the 2018 cyber-attacks that took place.

Fines can be levied at up to 4% of a company’s global annual turnover, and in the BA case, the fine is understood to equate to 1.5% of their 2017 turnover.

The financial penalties that can be issued under GDPR are far higher than what they used to be under its predecessor, the Data Protection Act. But what about compensation for the hundreds of thousands of victims whose information was compromised?

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British Airways data breach compensation
September 21, 2018
British Airways data breach compensation action

We’ve launched a British Airways data breach compensation action after the revelation that the data for 380,000 payment cards has been compromised.

British Airways should have notified all victims to confirm that they’ve been affected by the breach by now. The breach period took place between 10.58pm on 21 August 2018 and 9:45pm on 5 September 2018. If you made a payment during this period, you may be affected.

The British Airways data breach compensation action is one of dozens of group action cases our lawyers are, and have been, engaged in. For help and advice now, please contact the team.

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