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Category: Medical

November 17, 2016
“Progestogen-only Pill Drug Recalls” – Teva UK Ltd has recalled drugs due to impurities showing in their routine testing

Teva UK Limited are one of the latest pharmaceutical manufacturers that have recalled a batch of their drugs.

The Nacrez 75 mg film-coated tablets have been recalled due to impurities found as part of their routine testing. The recall is said to be a precautionary measure taken by the company to ensure the safety of their customers.

However, as with any medicine recall, the dangers to human health are always something to closely monitor.
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November 14, 2016
“The Deadly Stockert 3T Machine” – LivaNova machines that have allegedly caused dozens of patients to develop a mycobacterial infection

There are growing concerns surrounding the use of a particular type of heater-cooler system, Stockert 3T, manufactured by LivaNova, which are machines used during a patient’s surgery that have allegedly led to a spate of infections.

This was reportedly the case for Kenneth Piechowski, a Philadelphia man, when he had a surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve back in December 2014.
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November 10, 2016
Tracheoesophageal voice devices are thought to only last three months

Tracheoesophageal voice devices have been reported to have a smaller life span than first anticipated.

What was thought to be at least a six month life span recently turned out to be only three months. This is a cause for concern as it could cause greater healthcare costs and a burden for the users who need to keep replacing them.
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medical alert
August 30, 2016
Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump system prone to insulin leaks – risk of hyperglycaemia

A Medical Device Alert has been issued with the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) for the Accu-Chek Insight insulin pump system using NovoRapid PumpCart cartridges which is reportedly prone to leakage.

Leakage of the devices, manufactured by Roche Diabetes Care, could lead to serious consequences for users, which could include hyperglycaemia, diabetic ketoacidosis, or even death.
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August 23, 2016
Class 2 medicines recall – Respontin Nebules

Glaxo Wellcome UK Ltd is recalling four batches of Respontin Nebules due to results of impurities during a routine stability testing.

The batches are being recalled because of specification results for impurities being found during a routine stability testing. As far as the company is aware, there have been no adverse reactions from taking the drugs that have been reported.

But we all know how serious such small problems with medicines and medical products can be. Our Group Action Lawyers have been fighting for the rights of medical group cases for years, so know all too well how bad things can get…
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August 19, 2016
Medical Device Alert – Blood glucose monitors

Blood glucose monitors that are for home use are at risk of producing false low blood glucose level results.

It is the TRUEresult and TRUEtrack blood glucose test strips that are possibly producing these false results, which has triggered an MHRA Medical Device Alert.

If you use these devices, you should take heed of this warning, and contact a medical professional or doctor if you are concerned.
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August 17, 2016
SerenoCem Ear Cement and Granules – risk of bone reabsorbtion

Corinthian Surgical Ltd issued a Field Safety Notice in March 2016 about bone reabsorbtion around granules implanted in the middle ear. Patients that were implanted with SerenoCem Granules for destruction of the mastoid cavity are possibly affected.

Patients did not show any symptoms, but reabsorbtion showed up on a CT scan. The reabsorbtion varied from being limited to extensive.

There are clinical risks associated with bone reabsorbtion in the middle ear such as inflammation (that can be infective), which can lead to infection and inflammation of the middle posterior fossa dura, facial nerve, and the inner ear. This can lead to more serious risk such as meningitis, loss of hearing, and facial palsy. However there have been no report of these complications.
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