Mercedes diesel compensation claims

Mercedes diesel compensation claims could hit £96k per Claimant

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solicitors regulation authority

Mercedes diesel compensation claims could hit £96k per Claimant

As featured in the Telegraph, Claimants who pursue their Mercedes diesel compensation claims using certain legislation could be entitled to receive up to £96,000.00 in damages each.

This applies for Claimants who make use of important legislation that could allow an owner to receive a percentage of the purchase price of their vehicle. Not all law firms may use all the legislation at their disposal, so it is important to make sure you give yourself the best chance of succeeding with a case by being thorough.

In this article, we will explain how you may be entitled to receive compensation of up to £96,000.00, and whether this legislation may apply to you.

Could you receive up to £96,000.00?

Claimants who use certain legislation to pursue their Mercedes diesel compensation claims could be entitled to receive between £23,775 and £96,220.

The key legislation is the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations (CPUT), and it is estimated that as many as a third, or more, of Claimants could be eligible to claim using these regulations. Where we can establish a valid CPUT claim, the owner could be entitled to receive up to 100% of the purchase price of their vehicle back in compensation where a Court views that the breach of CPUT is very serious. Depending on how severe the breach is viewed can depend on how much the claim could be worth, and it usually ranges from 25%, 50%, 75% and then to 100%. In our view, if it is established that a defeat device has been used, we can only ever see this is a very serious matter.

According to pricing data from Mercedes in May, the potential range of values based on the price data could between £23,775 and £96,220 for a 100% claim.

Am I eligible to receive this?

You could be eligible to claim using CPUT if you purchased your vehicle from an approved dealership on or after 1st October 2014. If You purchased your vehicle before then, but you made any form of payment after this date, such as a finance payment, CPUT could also apply.

We can work this out for you when you pursue your case with us.

Mercedes diesel compensation claims can be pursued whether CPUT applies or not, as we firmly believe that there is a legal case to answer. However, this important legislation could be used to recover a percentage back of the purchase price you paid, which could be substantial.

We are representing a growing number of Mercedes owners for emissions compensation cases and we may be able to help you too. We also represented over 10,000 Claimants in the infamous Volkswagen ‘dieselgate’ emissions scandal from 2015. We launched High Court action in January 2016, and we were appointed with a seat on the Steering Committee for the action in 2018.

Join the Mercedes diesel compensation claims action today

Ready to join the Mercedes diesel compensation claims action?

All you need to do is get in touch with our team today to start your case. We are representing Claimants for cases on a No Win, No Fee basis, so what have you got to lose?

You can start your claim via the dedicated Car Emissions Lawyers website here.

No Win, No Fee
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For Group Action Claims we represent victims for, we can offer a Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement so you know you are safe to claim without the worry of having to pay thousands of pounds in legal bills if you can't win the case.

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