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Our work when it comes to data breach compensation actions is becoming increasingly more important in today’s world where it feels like new breaches are taking place all the time.
Traditionally, we have been at the forefront of some of the biggest and most complex group actions in the UK, which are normally medical actions. In 2015, we saw the monumental VW Emissions Scandal that led to us being appointed to the Steering Committee for that particular action.
However, in recent years, our work has steered us in a very different direction.
Over the last few years, we have seen several high-profile incidents that have led to data breach compensation actions materialising. In fact, the majority of the actions we’re involved with are for data breaches, which is simply down to the fact that they keep happening.
More than three-quarters of the actions we fight for justice in involve some form of data incident. This has not stemmed from us focusing more on just data protection issues but has arisen because these incidents now seem to make up the majority of the large-scale actions that people can claim for.
Many people are also far more aware of their rights these days, which has resulted in larger volumes of people approaching us for our help and expertise. You can be entitled to compensation when the control of your personal and sensitive information is lost. We know and understand that it can be incredibly distressing, and it’s the distress that people often claim for. You can also claim for financial losses as well.
We’re now involved with some incredibly substantial data breach compensation actions, and they all have their own unique and varying issues.
The biggest one remains the BA Group Action that we have been appointed to the Steering Committee for. In a landmark court hearing in October, Mr Justice Warby gave the green light to the formal GLO (Group Litigation Order). The end result could be an overall estimated compensation pay-out of over £3bn.
The 56 Dean Street Clinic email leak is still one of the most prominent ones that we have been involved with since the earlier days of data breach actions. This year’s similar Charing Cross Gender Identity Clinic email leak was one we were contacted for right away, and it has a great deal of similarities with the Dean Street leak.
All in all, victims can be claiming anywhere from a few thousand pounds to tens of thousands of pounds in more serious cases. It’s important for victims to be compensated fairly, although much more needs to be done in terms of organisations preventing breaches from happening in the first place.
As experts in group actions (hence our name – the Group Action Lawyers), our work in representing the victims in large data breach compensation actions is important.
There is a lot to be said when it comes to strength in numbers for these cases. We need to take on some of the biggest corporations in the world, and a formal group action can be the way to do this. It can bring claims together so we can fight on one unified front, and it’s far more efficient for processing cases as well.
Claims can still be settled based on their own individual merits, and we still offer No Win, No Fee representation for these kinds of cases.
To find out more about joining one of our dozens of actions, or to discuss a new one we can take forward for you, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team for help and advice today.
For Group Action Claims we represent victims for, we can offer a Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement so you know you are safe to claim without the worry of having to pay thousands of pounds in legal bills if you can't win the case.
Learn more about No Win, No Fee
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