Thousands of claims are being made against Johnson and Johnson for the allegedly harmful properties their famous talc powder is said to have had on users worldwide.
Johnson and Johnson have been vehemently denying the allegations, citing scientific studies to prove there is no cancer risk related to their talc. However, one lawsuit made on behalf of numerous woman suffering from ovarian cancer blames Johnson and Johnson for giving them ovarian cancer, and alleges the company has been lying and conspiring to hide the truth for decades.
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These days, some flights are getting cheaper and more frequent, making that city break to Rome so much easier. But it seems that with cheaper seats, there may be a small compromise being made: airlines are making economy aeroplane seats smaller and smaller.
To save money, airlines are reportedly packing their planes with as many passengers as they can by redesigning seats to be thinner and reducing leg room. These changes aren’t just to the detriment of taller people who may have to almost hug their knees or sit at an awkward angle to squeeze their legs in sideways, but reducing the space between seats may reportedly be putting passengers’ lives at risk.
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Regulators have issued an advisory warning on 14th November to stop people taking Kratom after 36 deaths have been possibly associated with the drug.
Already banned in several countries, the “pick-me-up” natural drug is created from picked Kratom leaves from jungles all over South East Asia. It was originally used by farm labourers to help them get through working on the fields.
Kratom’s active ingredient is Mitragynine – a chemical that has adverse effects such as nausea; loss of appetite; constipation; dry mouth; trouble sleeping; and brain fatigue. Kratom itself can produce side effects of seizures, itching, increased sensitivity to pain, sweating, liver damage and addiction.
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The introduction of the E-cigarette has been hailed as a revolutionary modern alternative to cigarettes, often seen as healthier because they don’t contain tobacco or the assortment of other harmful chemicals found in traditional cigarettes. However, some studies suggest that E-cigs can be equally as harmful because the cocktail of chemicals they do contain may be causing inflammatory diseases.
If this is found to the the case, where does the E-cig revolution go from here?
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A federal court has dismissed Boston Scientific’s appeal against a £20 million settlement sum awarded to four claimants who sued the company for alleged defective pelvic mesh implants.
The claimants argued that the Pinnacle mesh used to treat pelvic organ prolapse and female stress urinary incontinence was defective and caused significant pain and injuries.
Pain, bleeding and infection are potentially commonplace if the devices fail and the plastic mesh fuses and cuts in to the patient. As they cannot usually remove the mesh from the vaginal walls, the outcome for those whose devices fail can be lifelong and serious.
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A Court has ordered AbbVie to payout £105 million after they were found to have misrepresented the risks of its testosterone drug known as AndroGel, which lead to one user suffering a heart attack.
A lawyer who helped represent the victim said that the verdict was not just a victory for his client, but served as a warning to companies who put profits above consumer health. He noted that “the large punitive award really reflects that jury’s decision.”
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The popularity of the e-cig is hard to miss. From numerous pop-up e-cig shops in towns and centres, to clouds of scented vapour everywhere you turn, e-cigs really are everywhere.
Hailed as healthier than traditional cigarettes, the battery-powered alternatives do not contain tobacco, tar, or carbon monoxide in the vapour produced. However, these benefits may be overshadowed by reports of horrifying risks of explosion.
One man in the U.S. has shared his story of an e-cig battery exploding in the trouser pocket, severely burning his leg.
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Regulators have been conducting an investigation into Fiat Chrysler after receiving complaints of some of their vehicles reportedly rolling away when the driver exited the car.
Some one million Fiat Chrysler Ram 15000 pickup trucks and Dodge Durango vehicles are affected by what is believed to be a defective rotary shifter. In a bit to add a new dimension to cars (and to free space for more/larger cup holders and storage areas), Fiat Chrysler moved away from traditional mechanical gear-shifts in favour of smaller electronic versions.
However, some customers have reportedly found it difficult to use the new feature, with many suspected to not even be aware of how to use it as intended.
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The motor industry was shaken by revelations of Takata’s dangerous airbags that have the potential to explode and shoot shards of metal into the cabin of a car. As one of the world’s largest producers of airbags, its inflatable devices are used in vehicles made by Honda, Mazda, Toyota, Subaru and BMW.
After at least 17 deaths reportedly linked to Takata airbags, and further reports of injuries caused as well, automakers have been forced to recall millions of cars and are looking to recover the costs of recalls and lawsuits from Takata.
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As a consumer, you are protected by law for defective products causing you harm. Under things like the Sale and Supply of Goods and Services laws and regulations, manufacturers and suppliers must only sell things that are, amongst other things, safe and fit for purpose.
Defective products, depending on their purpose, can create all sorts of problems, including injuries and financial loss. We have represented (and still are representing) victims for major product claims here in the U.K., such as the PIP Breast Implant scandal, the Metal-On-Metal hip device problems, and the massive VW Emissions Scandal action.
It’s a huge area of law and one we’re particularly experienced in.
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Manufactured by Prism, the Freeway Easy Fit system helps carers carry patients with little or no mobility so they can be safely moved across short distances; e.g. from their bed into a chair. The overhead hoists consist of a reinforced metal frame to which a hoist motor is attached, joining the flexible sling that the patient is carried in.
However, a recent incident saw a securing pin for the mounting hoops on the hoist dislodge, allowing the hoop to detach. Given that hoist injuries at work are actually incredibly common and often lead to serious injuries to patients and back injuries for employees, this is an important alert and issue to resolve.
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A group action claim is generally made when one issue or problem affects multiple people. There is often only one person or company at fault as well, but their negligence can cause problems for thousands or even millions of people.
A group action claim allows all the people adversely affected to come together and claim against the defendant(s) in one large set of efficient proceedings. Bringing a group action claim has many benefits as multiple victims can use shared evidence and unite on a “strength in numbers” front as opposed to each person having to bring their own personal claim to different courts across the country.
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