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December 13, 2016
Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Pelvic Floor Prolapse recall – we’re still taking cases forward

Birmingham surgeon Dr. Angamuthu Arunkalaivanan performed hundreds of the pelvic floor surgeries using a mesh implant that the Trust he worked for had banned from using.

Dr. Arunkalaivanan seemingly ignored the Trust’s instructions and carried on inserting these mesh implants into hundreds of women despite the warnings from the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) of incontinence and infection, and his own Trust’s policy on their use.

Some 200 patients who have undergone pelvic floor surgeries with Dr. Arunkalaivanan have been recalled to be checked. However, pelvic floor operations are so routine that it may be many more than 200 woman affected by the surgeons actions.
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airplane cabin
December 06, 2016
“Can cabin noise cause a permanent loss of hearing?” – News from America is that a Democrat is calling for studies into the causal link between cabin noise and permanent hearing loss.

The House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee in America is calling for a study into the effects of airplane cabin noise on flight crews.

Recently, Peter DeFazio, a top Democrat, raised the issue that the cabin noise may cause irreversible hearing loss. This is a huge concern for flight attendants on long haul flights, who will be exposed to the noise pollution for a long time, and this of course extends beyond the U.S. and affects our country too.
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December 02, 2016
Carcinogenic Artificial Turf Research

Concerns have been raised about the safety of recycled tire crumbs used in playing fields and playgrounds. Limited studies have seemingly not shown an elevated health risk from playing on fields with tire crumbs, but existing studies do not appear to comprehensively evaluate the concerns about health risks from exposure to tire crumbs.

Whenever there is a question of this nature though, we must do all we can to investigate any potential issues to avoid major problems like we have seen with materials such as asbestos over the last few decades.
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November 30, 2016
Xarelto drug reportedly causing internal bleeding and one death a week

A stern warning for all patients prescribed the blood-thinning drug Rivaroxaban; sold under the name of Xarelto, that’s available on the NHS:

Reports suggest that it’s causing one death a week from internal bleeding, which is extremely alarming. The German manufacturer of the product, Bayer, are currently facing legal actions from around the world.

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November 28, 2016
Customer complaints flooding in: 5-Star Buccament Bay Resort reportedly turning in to a holiday from hell!

Our Group Action Lawyers have received complaints about the supposed five-star Caribbean resort known as The Buccament Bay Resort, which is run, we believe, by Harlequin Hotels & Resorts.

Reports are coming in that the resort is apparently so underfunded that staff haven’t been paid for months, and basic services and utilities are not even available; let alone anything near a 5-Star experience being offered.

If you’ve been affected by these issues at the resort, please don’t hesitate to contact us as we’ve launched investigations for compensation claims for victims.
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November 28, 2016
“Medical device battery fault that have caused two deaths” – Battery defects of the implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronisation therapy devices causing an adverse effect on patients

Due to a battery issue, medical equipment like implantable cardioverter defibrillators (ICD) and cardiac resynchronisation therapy devices (CRT-D) have reportedly failed, leading to serious concerns for patient health.

It’s thought that around 350,000 devices worldwide have been implanted and potentially put patient health at risk.
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November 25, 2016
“Drugs that can give you mood swings” – Reports suggest that beta-blockers and calcium antagonists are medications that can lead to hospitalised mood disorders

Recent reports indicate that individuals taking medication known as beta-blockers and calcium antagonists for a period of more than 90 days may be susceptible to mood disorders that require hospital treatment.

These medications – commonly used to control blood pressure – are said to be a possible cause for major depression and / or bipolar disorder, drawn from comparisons with patients controlling their high blood pressure with angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) instead.
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November 23, 2016
“Is the iPhone 7 going to be the next Samsung Galaxy Note 7?” – Apple investigating claim of an iPhone 7 bursting into flames

Following the mass recall of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7, which turned out to be susceptible to explosions and fires, Apple may well have enjoyed a competitive advantage off the back of one of their main rivals as Samsung’s sales plummeted and costs to fix their mistake run in to the billions.

But it turns out that this may have been short lived, as reports are suggesting that an Apple iPhone 7 caught on fire in Australia recently.
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November 21, 2016
“Refund for the explosive Galaxy Note 7” – Following the ban of the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 on U.S. airplanes, Samsung is offering exchange or refund on the ‘explosive’ devices

You may have heard about the ‘explosive’ devices; A.K.A. the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 mobile phones.

Following reports across the globe that the devices are prone to catching fire, with some even reportedly exploding in China, devices have been understandably banned on flights for fears of incidents in the air. In response, the mobile phone manufacturer has since set up booths in airports as part of their ongoing efforts to rectify the situation, and halted production.
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November 17, 2016
“Progestogen-only Pill Drug Recalls” – Teva UK Ltd has recalled drugs due to impurities showing in their routine testing

Teva UK Limited are one of the latest pharmaceutical manufacturers that have recalled a batch of their drugs.

The Nacrez 75 mg film-coated tablets have been recalled due to impurities found as part of their routine testing. The recall is said to be a precautionary measure taken by the company to ensure the safety of their customers.

However, as with any medicine recall, the dangers to human health are always something to closely monitor.
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November 14, 2016
“The Deadly Stockert 3T Machine” – LivaNova machines that have allegedly caused dozens of patients to develop a mycobacterial infection

There are growing concerns surrounding the use of a particular type of heater-cooler system, Stockert 3T, manufactured by LivaNova, which are machines used during a patient’s surgery that have allegedly led to a spate of infections.

This was reportedly the case for Kenneth Piechowski, a Philadelphia man, when he had a surgery to replace a faulty aortic valve back in December 2014.
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November 11, 2016
“Good Riddance” – The ban on VW’s diesel vehicle sales in the U.S.

The ban on selling any 2017 diesel vehicles in the U.S., or any diesel vehicles, could be the biggest punishment that VW will have to face from their stunt of cheating emissions tests, which was revealed in September last year.

This could even supersede the millions of dollars in fines that they have to pay out.

The reason why I’m of that opinion is because the diesel vehicles sold in the U.S. made up a big percentage of all VW sales; which is not surprising as the German manufacturer marketed the cars to be “eco-friendly” and “greener” than other vehicles, and they cornered the diesel market well.

However, their “green assertions” turned out to be somewhat misleading…
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