Sign-up to one of our many Group Actions today - use our quick and easy form to start your claim for compensation.
A significant number of people have come forward to start their Virgin Media data breach claim and join the growing group compensation action following media coverage last week.
The 900,000 people affected by the data breach whose information was left unsecure between April 2019 and February 2020 can start a case using the sign-up forms on the Group Action website here. This service allows you to start a proper legal case as opposed to just registering for information which some other law firms do.
Victims could be entitled to claim an estimated £5,000.00 in damages, with claims being pursued on a No Win, No Fee basis.
You can start your Virgin Media data breach claim quickly and easily by going to the dedicated website here.
Completing the forms means that you can then sign-up for a real compensation case with No Win, No Fee representation. You will be a part of the group that we are representing, and we will keep you informed in terms of developments and updates. Importantly, given that a formal court group action is likely, you will be able to join this too. If your case does not succeed, we can write off our legal fees, subject to the terms of the agreement we make with you.
It can take just a matter of minutes to secure your place in the compensation action that we have launched. If you are serious about claiming, all you need to do is complete the forms and your case can get off the ground right away.
You can be entitled to make a No Win, No Fee Virgin Media data breach claim for compensation if you have received confirmation that you are affected by the breach.
You should have received an email, text or some form of communication from Virgin Media to confirm that you are affected. This breach notification communication should confirm that you are one of the 900,000 victims whose data was left exposed, with an apology for what has happened.
If this applies to you, you could then be entitled to start a case with us without delay.
When you join the compensation action by starting your Virgin Media data breach claim, you are formally taking part in legal action for justice.
The cases will likely form into a single group action where a single set of court proceedings can be used to manage the common issues and factors for all cases. The common issues will typically include elements such as liability, and common factors can be joint expert evidence to help support a case.
When it comes to what your case means for you, you are seeking compensation as a victim of the breach. Compensation could be damages for the loss of control of your personal information, for losses and expenses, or for simply being the victim of the breach.
To start your case today, please visit the dedicated Virgin Media Group Action website here and follow the steps to completion. It can take just a matter of minutes to get your case started, and you can then leave us to pursue the case for you.
For Group Action Claims we represent victims for, we can offer a Genuine No Win, No Fee agreement so you know you are safe to claim without the worry of having to pay thousands of pounds in legal bills if you can't win the case.
Learn more about No Win, No Fee
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