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Tag: medical recall

cancer screening scandal
April 06, 2021
Hundreds of victims of breast surgeon Ian Paterson yet to be identified

Disgraced breast surgeon Ian Paterson was imprisoned several years ago, having being found guilty on 17 counts of wounding with intent.

The criminal prosecution only scratched the surface of what may have been going on, with widespread beliefs that many more patients could have been harmed by Paterson. Recent reports have suggested that hundreds of Paterson’s patients have yet to be contacted, meaning that many more might be still in the dark about the mistreatment that they may have been exposed to.

Some victims have already been awarded compensation for the harm caused to them, but we suspect that many more may be entitled to claim. Paterson’s undeniable guilt has strengthened the legal action against him. We encourage any further victims to come forward for advice, even if the hospital has yet to contact you.

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pelvic mesh inquiry vaginal mesh implants concerns
March 23, 2021
The difficulties of vaginal mesh removal

As stories of vaginal mesh complications continue to emerge, many of those who have suffered from the implants are seeking treatment to lessen or stop the pain and injuries they have faced. However, the difficulties of vaginal mesh removal can mean that some of the harmful consequences are, unfortunately, irreversible.

Vaginal mesh implants, used to treat things like urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse, have been the subject of controversy for many years. While approved by the UK regulator, the MHRA, the issue of serious complications can be shocking, with many women speaking out about the complications that they have suffered. In response, we have taken on claims from many women affected by the implants, who we believe are eligible to claim compensation for the harm they have been caused.

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hip replacement claims
March 02, 2021
Commissioner to champion people harmed by medicines or medical devices

In a huge win for anyone harmed by medicines or medical devices, the government has agreed to the appointment of an Independent Patients’ Commissioner. Their role will be to stand up for people who have fallen victim to the dangerous side-effects of certain medical products.

At The Group Action Lawyers, we have been raising the unheard voices of suffering patients for many years, taking on many clients in large group and multi-party actions against powerful medical companies and manufacturers. As such, we welcome the news of this new public service, which represents a significant step in the right direction for patients and overall safety.

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medical device recall
February 02, 2021
Royal Derby Hospital gynaecologist investigation updated

Since the Royal Derby Hospital gynaecologist investigation was revealed, the Group Action Lawyers has anticipated news of further women being added to the list of affected patients.

In December 2020, 110 more women were reportedly informed of their involvement in the inquiry so our suspicions have, unfortunately, been confirmed.

The allegations surrounding obstetrics and gynaecology consultant Daniel Hay first came to light amid a statement from the Royal Derby Hospital which revealed that eight women had been “unnecessarily harmed” by the doctor. At that point, the hospital had contacted 136 women regarding a review of their treatment, with fears that the number of patients harmed may rise. Now, the number of patients involved in the investigation stands at 382.

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mesh pain
January 05, 2021
Thousands could make Essure compensation claims

If you have suffered as a result of complications arising from the use of Essure, perhaps leading to the removal of the device or a recommendation by your doctor to have Essure removed, you could be one of the many eligible to make Essure compensation claims with the Group Action Lawyers.

Essure is a form of permanent birth control that is usually fitted whilst a patient is awake. It is then designed to sterilise the recipient and was manufactured by Bayer HealthCare in the United States but has been fitted in women across the globe.

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pelvic mesh inquiry vaginal mesh implants concerns
November 03, 2020
Study shows hernia complications most likely to occur 30 days after surgery

In some cases, the chance of hernia complications occurring post-op is up to 30%. A U.S. study reportedly indicates that hernia complications are most likely to occur at least 30 days after surgery.

The study looked into all incisional hernia repair hospital admissions between 2010 and 2014 and found that, out of almost 16,000 patients, almost 20% were readmitted within one year of their surgery, and 60% of were readmitted after 30 days. Of the 16,000 patients, 88% were reportedly treated using hernia mesh, and one-third had to undergo further major surgery.

This extremely high percentage of both short-term and long-term readmissions could indicate how dangerous the use of hernia mesh can be. The complications arising from hernia mesh over 30 days after surgery can be incredibly serious. In the UK, the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) has been criticised for failing to review the use after patients came forward with complications. As a law firm, we represent people claiming compensation for hernia mesh problems.

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vaginal mesh implant inquiry
September 22, 2020
Pelvic mesh compensation claims

Our specialist team at the Group Action Lawyers represent victims for pelvic mesh compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis in England and Wales.

We have been helping people with advice and claims in this complex and niche area of law for a number of years, and this is one of the over 50 group and multi-party actions that we have launched. We have a great deal of experience and specialism in medical compensation cases, having recovered millions of pounds for clients over several years.

You are not alone, and you have a voice for justice. Here is some brief guidance about how we may be able to help you, as well as how you can contact the team for free, no-obligation advice today.

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hip replacement claims
September 15, 2020
Medical product compensation claims

We have a huge amount of experience when it comes to representing people for medical product compensation claims on a No Win, No Fee basis.

If you have been harmed and have suffered injury and loss as a result of a medical product, you could be entitled to bring a legal case for damages. These kinds of claims can be hard to succeed with, so it is important that you get the right legal representatives, and experience is key.

It is often the case that you have a fight on your hands when you are taking on huge multinational corporations that manufacture medical devices. We can be your voice for justice to make sure that you receive some form of justice for what you have had to go through.

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hernia mesh compensation claims
August 04, 2020
Hernia mesh compensation claims: what you need to know

We represent victims for hernia mesh compensation claims and we can work for our clients on a No Win, No Fee basis, with a free initial case assessment.

We understand how severe the pain and problems can be when hernia mesh has gone wrong. Claiming compensation can be important for any victim to receive some form of justice for what they have to go through.

Here is some guidance about when you could claim, what you could claim for, and how we assess claims to bring them to a successful conclusion.

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pelvic mesh inquiry vaginal mesh implants concerns
July 14, 2020
Pelvic mesh inquiry shows some patients were ignored

The results of the recently published report that follows a large-scale pelvic mesh inquiry raises significant concerns about how women have been treated over this issue.

As the legal representatives for a number of women claiming compensation, the report results did not come as much of a surprise to us. That being said, it was no less worrying to see the results of it.

For some, it may act as some form of vindication. Either way, we represent victims for compensation cases, and if you have yet to look into making a claim, we urge you to speak to our team as soon as you possibly can to avoid missing out.

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mesh implants
June 09, 2020
Johnson & Johnson pelvic mesh settlements

News of the Johnson & Johnson pelvic mesh settlements in Scotland are welcome here at the Group Action Lawyers as the wider fight for justice continues.

Settlements have now been achieved for thousands of people worldwide, and millions of pounds in damages have been paid out. But the battle for many women rages on, and we represent people for cases here in England and Wales.

Here, we will briefly cover the settlement in Scotland and how this affects vaginal mesh claimants in the rest of the UK.

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pelvic mesh inquiry vaginal mesh implants concerns
February 25, 2020
Advice for pelvic mesh compensation claim

If you need to make a pelvic mesh compensation claim, we may be able to represent you for a legal case on a No Win, No Fee basis.

We already represent several women suffering from horrendous problems and complications that arise from vaginal mesh issues, and we may be able to help you too. We often warn that women who think they may have a case should contact us as soon as they can to avoid missing any deadlines to claim. In cases like this, there can be numerous deadlines and you do not want to miss any.

We recently wrote an article about deadlines which you can also read here. For more information about making a claim for vaginal mesh injuries, read on.

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